Active and attractive business environment
Cooperation in two directions was supported:
- Firstly, we believe there are more entrepreneurs in the region, who are ready for cross-border cooperation. The programme finances projects that carry out altogether at least 30 events with at least 500 participants.
In the 1st call of proposals 9 projects were approved and the whole EDRF funding for this specific objective - 2.7 million euros - was committed.
- Secondly, we also encourage more entrepreneurs to carry out joint product or service development. That is why the programme supports projects that carry out joint development of at least 12 products or services and at least 12 joint marketing activities.
In total, within the 1st, 3rd, and 4th calls for proposals 20 SME cooperation projects and 9 entrepreneurship projects were supported.
26 projects under the priority 1 -, Organic Candy, Baltic GeoData Marketplace, PET-Diagnostics, How the Shammies learned, My Tree Alert Service, HIADEX, ESTLAT BUSINESS, Social & Creative, Wood and Furniture, EstLat-Accelerate, COOP Local, B-idea, Ticketer, HADEDE, Capsules, Whey valorization, PFM-AIHEN, EstLat BioBoost, SpaceTEM, PDS, Smart Heat, ID Future, DELBI 2, GeoTranslate, EstLat Translator and Herbal Water - have ended their activities.