Energy saving through "Smart Living" solutions
The project objectives was to promote the concept of Smart Living. The main goal of the campaign was to raise public awareness about the environmentally friendly lifestyle and smart use of energy resources in Latvia and Estonia, combining the knowledge and competence of organizations in both countries. project focused directly on informing Latvian and Estonian societies on the possibilities to save energy resources, as well as addressing Estonian and Latvian real estate managers regarding the use of renewable energy resources.
Main activities
1. Creating a joint online interactive tool for measuring and simulating energy efficiency. The users in this interactive tool will be able to create a copy of their own home and, in a game-like manner, make it more energy efficient using various solutions. To make the solutions to be of a high added value, an expert council consisting of at least 5 Latvian and 5 Estonian experts in the energy field will be created.
2. In order to create a more comprehensive awareness of energy efficiency, 40 workshops will be organized for households and 24 workshops for real estate managers throughout the duration of the campaign. For example, in relation to lighting, heating systems, house thermal insulation, water consumption, passive buildings, electrical equipment, solar panels, and other subjects.
3. In order to ensure resident awareness, open-informative events will be organized once a year within the campaign (2 in total), these events will help the project partners to reach a wider target audience and directly address the public.