Smart Energy Community
The mission of SEC project was "We can make it easier for people to use energy more efficiently".
The SEC project implemented the school and community campaigns that included multiple promotion activities, as well a range of experimental, educational and real-life trials to test different ways of applying behavioural insights to overcome barriers to being more energy efficient.
The school campaigning involved experimenting with the energy consumption and promoting sustainable energy use at school and in home. Energy efficiency units (LED lighting and its controls, appliances, computers) were installed to improve energy efficiency at pilot schools - Rõuge in Estonia and E.Glick Aluksne state gymnasium, Valmiera Viesturs, Lizums in Latvia. The school campaign involved development of 9 education modules, supported by test kit devices and energy class workbook, programming of student workshops, organizing 3 energy days and study tours. The school management and teachers were trained for the energy efficiency and energy class programme in 8 sessions. The competition of energy videos was arranged.
The community campaign focused on energy savings regarding end-use energy efficiency at home on household level. The campaign combined multiple components of households’ personalised behaviour of energy usage. Household’s energy consumption was comprehensively mapped by 20 households, applying 10 energy monitoring units, and 94 respondents to questionnaire. The household manual “The energetic people” are published and energy posters were displayed in public places. 5 training sessions were held for households in addition to individual instructive sessions in real-life home conditions. 6 videoclips on carpooling, heating, indoor climate, lighting, water saving, and mobile phone usage were produced and launched in campaigning.
As a result of the project, the public have gained a know-how how to save energy. Altogether, more than 24000 people reached as a result of school and community campaigning. The project increased the awareness of people in terms of resource efficiency via school networks, energy days and lectures, trainings and student competitions. Potential energy savings due to measures targeting behaviour are estimated in the range 5-20%.
Author of the photo: Martin Mark
Website of the project (in English, Estonian, Latvian)
Project materials
Household manual "The energetic people" - EE, LV
Energy posters - EE, LV
Energy class workbooks:
CO2 - EE, LV
Computer - EE, LV