Raising awareness on saving resources and reducing waste at public events in Latvia and Estonia
The objective of this project was to raise awareness focusing on waste reduction and energy saving issues among active adults and youngsters, who attend public events by organization of interactive activities at those events, involving the organizers and service providers, and showing that there is also another way how to organize public events.
To facilitate the change in behaviour of participants of public events the awareness raising campaign was organized contributing to the greener and environmentally friendlier events at:
- Viljandi Folk Music Festival in July 2017 and 2018
- Young Scientists' Festival in Tartu in April 2018
- Business Conference in Valmiera in June 2018
- Positivus Music Festival in Salacgriva in July 2018
The digital tool and interactive exhibition (creative installations) "Save our paradise" were presented in the Business conference and both music festivals in 2018. During the Young Scientists' Festival and Viljandi Folk Music festival the energy and waste areas were opened for visitors and they had the opportunity to take part in educative workshops. In total more than 7700 persons took part in the activities offered in the framework of the project "Green Public Events".
The green guidelines were developed and disseminated among the organizers of the public events in both countries. Guidelines in Estonian, Latvian and English for download are available down in this page.
To support the actions at the events the overall media campaign in Latvia and Estonia was organized, including the outdoors posters - tips for the picnic season in Estonia in summer 2017, posters about avoiding single use dishes in Latvia summer 2017 and in Estonia summer 2018, different posts in social media and video competition for youth (age limit:30).
In total more than 1 000 000 persons were reached by different communication channels of the Estonian-Latvia cooperation project.
Tartu Nature House (new website launched in Sept 2018):
https://www.tartuloodusmaja.ee/koostooprojekt/keskkonnasobralikud-avalikud-uritused-eestis-ja-latis/ and https://www.tartuloodusmaja.ee/keskkonnasobralik-sundmus/
Estonian Green Movement:
Homo Ecos: http://www.homoecos.lv/lat/projekti/zalie-publiskie-pasakumi
Social media: organisations FB accounts, #GreenEvents, #GreenPublicEvents
FB account for Green Public Events: https://www.facebook.com/GreenPublicEvents/